my story
My goals
My name is Neftali Cano and to share a little about myself I will say I worked in construction from the age of 15 to 25 for my father. I had no say in the matter but he did pay me well… so that was nice!
I then took on what I thought would be a temporary career in law enforcement. I spent 15 years with the El Paso Police Dept. and 12 more years with a local ISD department serving one of the largest school districts in the State of Texas.
While I had intended to work in that field for only a few years, until I completed my college studies and obtained my degree, life took hold and between marriage, buying a house and raising kiddos… that career as a police officer became a major part of my life for nearly 30 years.
These days I teach at a small college as an adjunct instructor and my daily interactions with young and older adult students as well as the many employers who visit our school and share their feedback with their newly hired employees has offered me many insights on what makes for a good fit between employee and employer.
I decided to share all of these experiences with others and have presentations/courses designed to help individuals looking for jobs and how to successfully search, apply and interview for that ideal job.
I have presentations created to help businesses recruit, retain and reduce employee turnover. So many employers pay little attention to on-boarding and retaining new employees and sometimes fail to see the bigger picture of work-productivity and work place-morale…all of which leads to sustainability and profitability.
Finally and because of those 27 years in law enforcement I have presentations created to help build better relations between law enforcement and the communities they serve.
Sadly with so much focus on police misconduct , both good officers and those perpetrating unprofessional and sometimes even criminal misconduct have really broken down the trust and cooperation between law enforcement and the public.
I offer my view points and opinions on what can lead to better relations and ideally have these various groups trust and work with and not against one another.

My Core Values
How we treat others relates directly to our beliefs. Words mean something…but actions tell and mean so much more!
- helping hands
- kind words
- informed guidance